Yes, snow socks are approved in the UK, but it's important to clarify some limitations regarding their use. Despite ministerial approval, snow socks cannot replace winter tires in terms of safety and performance. They are a temporary solution useful for sudden snowfalls and short trips on snow, but they do not provide the same handling, grip, and durability as winter tires, especially during heavy snowfalls and icy road conditions.

Traditional snow chains remain the best choice for more severe snow and ice conditions. Additionally, it's important to note that when using additional grip devices such as snow socks, the maximum allowed speed is 50 km/h. Therefore, although approved, snow socks should be used with awareness of their limitations and in compliance with current traffic regulations.

The installation of snow socks is simple: park the vehicle on a flat and safe surface and engage the handbrake. Open the package and unroll the snow socks. Begin the installation from the top side of the wheel and pull the sock downwards, covering the wheel as much as possible. Then move the vehicle a few meters to cover the remaining uncovered part of the wheel and complete the installation. Ensure that the sock fits snugly and is centered.

The choice between snow socks and snow chains depends on various factors:
  • Road conditions: chains are more effective on compact snow and ice; snow socks provide good traction on fresh snow and are easier to install.
  • Vehicle compatibility: some vehicles may not accommodate chains due to clearance issues between the wheel and wheel well. In such cases, snow socks can be an alternative.
  • Local regulations: check local laws regarding the use of chains and snow socks.
  • Convenience: snow socks are generally easier and quicker to mount compared to chains.

The lifespan of snow socks depends on usage and road conditions. They are designed to last for several hundred kilometers on snowy roads. Usage on dry or rough roads can significantly reduce their lifespan. It is important to follow the provided usage and maintenance instructions.

If you find a discrepancy between the compatibility information provided on the website and that on the product packaging, follow these steps:
  1. Double-check: verify the model number and specifications again to ensure there are no errors.
  2. Check the product page on our website for the updated compatibility table and print the insert to include in the packaging.
  3. Contact the seller: reach out to the customer service of the store or website where you purchased the product for clarification.
  4. Contact us: email us at service@lampa.it to confirm compatibility with your tire.

Non-chainable tires are tires that, due to their configuration or vehicle characteristics, cannot be used with traditional snow chains.
Here's what you need to know:
  • There are alternatives such as non-chainable car snow chains, like our Pilot PRO or alternatively, snow socks.
  • Consult your vehicle's manual for specific manufacturer recommendations on compatible anti-slip devices.
  • Consider using winter tires, which provide good traction on snow and ice without the need for chains.
Always use approved devices and follow local regulations to ensure safety and legal compliance.

The NX-7 double mesh snow chains with 7 and 9 mm feature an outer profile of 9 mm with a "D" section and reduced inner clearance to 7 mm with twisted links. They offer excellent traction due to the double mesh and diamond tread pattern, making them ideal for vehicles with non-chainable tire issues, combining strength with reduced bulk.

The RX-7 7 mm snow chains have a total profile of 7 mm, both internally and externally. They provide good grip but may be less effective in extreme conditions compared to double mesh chains, suitable for vehicles with very limited space between the wheel and wheel arch.

Lastly, the R-9 9 mm snow chains have a total profile of 9 mm, both internally and externally. They are more robust than 7 mm chains and provide excellent traction on snow and ice, thanks to a larger contact surface. They are ideal for vehicles with sufficient clearance between the wheel and wheel arch, not suitable for vehicles with non-chainable tire issues where reduced bulk is essential.